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4th Social Innovation-Community 4.0 Competition

"Sound Bus Stop" Project Brings New Accessible Features to Sham Shui Po

In the 2021-22 academic year, 6 of our S4 students participated in the 4th “Social Innovation Community 4.0” Competition organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. Their efforts were duly recognized, as they received the Public’s Favourite Award and the prestigious Recognition for Outstanding Performance Award. Their project, dubbed “Sound Bus Stop”, garnered high praise from the Sham Shui Po District Office.

Under the guidance of Mr. Paul Wong, JP, District Officer (Sham Shui Po), the students organized meetings with key stakeholders, including Kowloon Motor Bus (KMB), the Hong Kong Society for the Blind, and the Hong Kong Council of Social Services. Through these collaborative efforts, the project was successfully implemented in Sham Shui Po in early 2024. A total of 15 bus stops were equipped with radio frequency identification (RFID) devices, enabling them to announce bus arrival information and providing invaluable assistance to visually impaired individuals in the district.

The impact of this innovative project was widely recognized, as it received extensive media coverage. This remarkable achievement has not only enriched the learning experiences of our students but also made a tangible difference in the lives of the visually impaired members of our community.

Participants of this project:

Chan Lok Chi (6B), Chan Pui Ying (6B), Pang Hoi Lam (6B), Wan Chung Yan (6B), Zhong Tsz Ki (6B), Li Yuen Ying (6C)


(In recognition of the effort of this project, the students were given certificates of appreciation by KMB)

The project was covered in the following social media:


KMB (13.2.2024) 九巴與香港盲人輔導會合作 首於深水埗設15個聲音巴士站 靠近時發出提示方便視障人士搭巴士


Singtao (12.2.2024) 深水埗設15「聲音巴士站」 憑卡感應播放路線提示 助盲人正確搭巴士


Singtao (13.2.2024) 「聲音巴士站」方便盲人正確搭車



Mingpao (13.2.2024) 讀卡感應廣播巴士路線 視障者找站更有安全感


Oriental Daily (13.2.2024) 聲音巴士站 解盲人搭車疑難


AM730 (13.2.2024) 九巴深水埗設15個聲音巴士站 助盲人尋正確站位


HK01 (13.2.2024) 九巴與盲人輔導會合作 深水埗15個巴士站設發聲裝置 助找巴士站


rthk (13.2.2024) 九巴深水埗區設15個「聲音巴士站」 廣播巴士路線方便視障人士


文匯報(14.2.2024) 深水埗試用「聲音巴士站」方便視障者


信報 (14.2.2024) 九巴聲音巴士站便利視障者搭車