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S1 Discretionary Places – 中一自行分配學位 (2023/2025)

Application Procedures:

1. Application Forms can be obtained from the General Office or downloaded 
from 9:00 a.m., 23rd November 2024 (Saturday) onwards.

2. The completed school application form, together with the completed Application Form for S1 Discretionary Places issued by the EDB (all three parts intact) and copies of all necessary documents, should be returned:

(1) in person to the General Office during Opening Hours between 2nd January (Thursday) and 16th January 2025 (Thursday) (before 4:30 p.m.) or
(2) by online submission via the SSPA e-Platform ( between 2nd January (Thursday)
and 16th January 2025 (Thursday) (before 11:59 p.m.)

3. Applications made after the deadline will not be accepted.

4. All applicants will be invited to attend an interview to be held on the morning of 8th March 2025 (Saturday).
They will be notified by post or email* about two weeks in advance of the interview. [If adverse weather arises on that day, the interview will be postponed to 15th March 2025 (Saturday).]

*Applicants whose application are submitted online will be notified via email.

5. Parents of all successful applicants will be notified of their daughter’s inclusion in our Successful List for

Discretionary Places by letter and phone on 31st March 2025 (Monday). Such notifications are not applicable to
reserve and unsuccessful applicants, nor are the notifications the formal allocation results. The parents concerned need not reply to the notifications.

6. The results of the application will be released at the same time with the SSPA Central Allocation results announced by 
the EDB on 8th July 2025 (Tuesday). Applicants need not make any enquiries before the announcement of results.


  1. 由2024年11月23日(星期六)上午9:00起,可到本校索取申請表格,亦可於此處下載。
  2. 申請人先填妥本校申請表格及教育局提供之「中一自行分配學位申請表」(藍、綠、紅三聯根之表格),連同所需文件影印本,並於
    (1) 2025 年 1月2日(星期四)至1月16日(星期四)(下午4:30前)於本校辦公時間內親自交回本校;或
    (2) 2025 年 1 月 2 日(星期四)至 1 月 16 日(星期四)(晚上 11:59 前)利用教育局的中一派位電子平台 網上遞交。
  3. 逾期申請恕不受理。
  4. 本校將於面試前約兩星期以書面郵寄或電郵*通知於2025年3月8日(星期六)上午約見全部申請學生再行甄選。【如受惡劣天氣影響,面試將改於2025年3月15日(星期六)舉行。】
  5. 本校將於2025年3月31日(星期一)透過書面及電話通知所有正取學生的家長其女兒已獲學校納入自行分配學位正取學生名單內。有關的通知安排不包括備取及落選學生,亦非正式的派位結果,家長無需就有關通知作任何回應。