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Career and Life-Planning Education

Career and Life-Planning education at our school, in line with the requirements of the EDB, connects with the school’s curriculum components to equip our students with the knowledge, skills and attitude to make wise academic and career choices in accordance with their interests, abilities and orientations.

To this end, the Career Education Curriculum has been introduced across junior forms and in Secondary Four and Five to provide students with the necessary information in a systematic manner to assist them in making informed life choices.
There is also the signature True Light Bonds, a sisterhood mentoring scheme, where junior form students are paired up with senior form students to experience a diverse range of career and life-planning experiences and provide each other with mutual support on the way.

To offer Secondary Three and Six students advice to make informed decisions during their transitional years, counselling sessions by teacher counsellors and Secondary Four and Five Career Prefects are provided where the students can obtain bespoke guidance tailored for their individual needs.
Indispensable to comprehensive career and life-planning education, a broad spectrum of learning experiences including workshops, internships, taster programmes, visits, talks and competitions are arranged for students to cater for their individual needs and interests geared towards their whole-person development and life-long learning.